شعر ناتمامی که در حال نوشتن آن هستم.
An unfinished poem which I am working on.
((برای حضرت ابراهیم خلیل الله))
((For the prophet Abraham))
And you are worshiping the God of prophet Abraham !!!.
و شما خدای حضرت ابراهیم را ستایش می کنید!!!.
And Abraham was a married man, who feared for his life ... Because of the beauty of his wife!?.
و ابراهیم مردی متاهل بود که از ترس جانش...
همسرش را خواهرش نامید
و او را به فرمانروای مصر
برای همخوابگی بخشید!!!.
So he called his wife, his sister!,
and gave her away to Egyptian king as a gift as a maid as a sex slave as a servant!!!.
.!He dissed her
و سپس با دخترکی که کنیز همسرش بود,
همبستر گشت!!!....
.و زمانی که حامله شد و کودکی آورد....
او و کودکش را, بی پناه, بدون آب و خوراک...
در صحرای داغ و سوزان رها کرد!...
And later on, in his life,
he slept with the girl who was a maid of his wife!,
And as soon as she became pregnant and had a child
He abandoned them, helpless, without water, without food, without shelter...
Under the burning desert sun!....
و شما خدای چنین جنایتکاری را پرستش می کنید!!!.
آه ه ه ه ه ه...., چه مذاهب ابلهانه ی نفرت انگیزی...
چه پیامبران گنه کار و کریه ی ....
And you are worshiping the God of such a criminal and you are praying hoping for a better out come of your life!
Ohhh, what a whole bunch of cruel, idiotic religions...
What the shameful and sinner prophets that you're calling them, the men of God!.
(شکوه بختیاری)
Shokooh Bakhtiari
سند کجاست
پاسخحذفاین نظر توسط یک سرپرست وبلاگ حذف شد.