Auschwitz - Heaps of Discarded Shoes
انبوهی از کفش های دور ریخته شده -بازداشتگاه آشویتس
پس از اینکه نازی ها بسیاری از زندانیان را به بازداشگاه آشویتس برکناو لهستان منتقل کردند، بعضی از زندانیان را برای اعدام
در اتاق گاز انتخاب کردند و این افراد را به بهانه حمام بردن به اتاق های گاز بردند، و در موقع بردن آنان به اتاق های گاز به آنها
شماره چوب لباسی لباسها و وسایل شخصی شان را می دادند و زمانی که قربانیان به خیال حمام گرفتن، برای حمام آماده می شدند
به آنها گفته میشد که شماره وسایل شخصی خود را به یاد داشته باشند تا بتوانند پس از حمام به راحتی وسایل خود
را پیدا کنند، در عوض همه وسائل شخصی آنها اعم از لباس ها و کفش هایشان و...بعد از به قتل رساندن گروهی آنها در
اتاق های گاز جمع آوری و دور انداخته می شد!، درست مثل انبوه این کفش ها!
After people arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau, some were selected for death in the gas chamber. Those individuals were brought to showers which had numbered hooks for clothes. People about to shower, after a long journey in a crowded cattle car, were told to remember their clothes-hook number - so they could retrieve their personal items after the shower.
Instead, their personal items were rounded up, after what really happened in the Auschwitz showers, and
discarded - like these heaps of shoes
After people arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau, some were selected for death in the gas chamber. Those individuals were brought to showers which had numbered hooks for clothes. People about to shower, after a long journey in a crowded cattle car, were told to remember their clothes-hook number - so they could retrieve their personal items after the shower.
Instead, their personal items were rounded up, after what really happened in the Auschwitz showers, and
discarded - like these heaps of shoes
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